Saturday, May 22, 2010

Broken Hill 2


When we left home in January, we knew Broken Hill was on the agenda for us to be available to help and minister to the GFA kids, but we also knew it was a chance to catch up with the Scotford's - YAY!! Our kids have been so excited to be seeing friends from home and after the GFA weekend ministry time, we had the chance to enjoy the company of our dear friends. The kids had fun at the park playing on the skate pipe and enjoyed catching up on the news from home, which was such a treat after being away from friends for so long.

We also had a tour of Broken Hill and learnt about the mining history of the place - it is the richest silver deposit in the world with the line of lode being 200m by about 5km. Did you know there used to be 71 hotels in the town and 14 Wesleyan churches at the height of the mining boom. After continued bad working conditions where the mortality rate was high due to the poisonous dust in the air, the miners staged a strike that lasted 20months and finally led to BHP providing the necessary safe environment.

We visited Pro Hart's Art Gallery and enjoyed the creative genius of this Aussie Icon as well as the outback sculptures that lie 10km north of the town. We visited the local Train museum (of course) and a hit was Bells Milk Bar a 50's cafe with heaps of memorabilia which had the kids staring at us as Darren and I excitedly pointed to this and that, saying, "I remember that, look at this, I remember these!!" Mmmm the olden days are not that long ago, are they?

In times past BH used to get about 10 inches of rain a year, but for the past few years they have only got about 3, so it is a very dry and dusty place. Once rich in minerals, it has lost its lustre somewhat and as I considered this I thought about how rich our nation used to be in its sense of community and loyalty and strength of family values, but how far we have fallen over the past 60 years or so.

However, we do feel privileged to have met our friends and the families that are in Broken Hill and the others from all different states, for it is these people that strengthen our resolve to continue in developing a community that is rich in relationships, friendship and character and all to the end of seeing God glorified and His name lifted up over this Great Southland.

1 comment:

  1. OOOHHH Meeester Hart!
    Remember that?

    Love the Roller and sculptures.

    Take care

