Parliament house
Election result board
Questacon free fall and ball throwing while spinning game!
The Institute of Sport
National Museum
We are still in Canberra and have had a very COLD week. The temperatures are about 10 or so, but the wind chill means it is about 1 or 2 degrees. There has been a dumping of snow at Jindabyne/Perisher and we are getting the cold mountain breezes down here in Canberra! We are managing to keep warm though and are really enjoying everything.
This week we have visited lots of places in Canberra. We went to Questacon - the National Science and Technology Centre. Lots of fun with lots of sciencey things to do, play on and learn and we even met some friends from Busselton there - by chance - which was very exciting. Our favourite was the 6.7m free fall slide which the kids loved and did over and over. I went once and that was more than enough for me!
We went to the National Library, Jerome wanted to see what he could research for his book writing. We visited the Royal Mint, to see where our money is made and how that process is completed. We returnted to Parliament House for more reading, viewing and learning. We visited the Australia Institute of Sport and did a tour there of the facilities as well as some more role play and elite sport practice in their games room! We went to the Canberra Glassworks, the High Court - and was able to sit in on the sitting court where all 7 Justice's were hearing a current case. That was a really amazing experience and we are so thankful to God for the freedom we have in our country and the fact that fairness and justice is upheld.
We visited the National Museum and greatly enjoyed reading and listening to the stories of Australian's through time as they have experienced joy, devotion, difficulty, hope and fear.
A highlight of our time was to visit the National Tally Room last Saturday evening and be amongst the throng of busyness that follows a day at the polls. And with the result in the balance it has made it a very interesting time to be here in the Nation's Capital. As I consider all the things we have done and seen in our Nations Capital and as I contemplate the state of our Government, if anything I realise the urgent need to pray for those who lead this nation and those who govern. "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases" Proverbs 21:1.
There is such a need to intercede for our land and it's peoples, that there might be a new flood of revival amongst the people of this Great Southland, that throughout this land of "red dust plains and summer rains, there might be a flood, and to this Great Southland God's Spirit might rain". Where people have turned their backs on the truth and believed the greyness of no abosolutes, that they will see the truth. Where people are bound by materialism and consumerism, that they might know the peace that comes from the hand of the Lord, Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. Where people have lost faith, lost hope in our leaders, that there might rise up a new generation who will stand for the right and true morals and values which this country was founded on.
We are a blessed people and a prosperous nation, but we must continue to pray and seek God who is above all government, parliament and law, that His will, will be done in our country, our government, our communities, our family and our individual lives, so that His name may be lifted up and all men will be drawn unto Him. May God be glorified in you and through your life.
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