This week our travelling plans were overshadowed by the news of the sudden death of a friends mother in a car-jacking in Zimbabwe. We were shocked and saddened and, as I have been studying JOY lately, I wondered how one could continue in joy during these difficult and trying times that we face in our life.
In my reflection and prayer, my thoughts wandered ...
"How are we to have joy in this painful world we live in? 1 Thess 5 says to "Be joyful always" so how do we hold true to God's word during our life experiences. In this instance I felt the Lord say, "Be joyful she is now with Me, be joyful one day you will be here too. Be joyful for my grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in your times of weakness, be joyful you are forgiven and you are watched over and you are so precious to Me. One day all pain and hurt and suffering will end, but for now you are My hands and feet to offer hope to those who are hurting in this world, to offer love and to offer my greatest gift of salvation."
I find a deep, abiding sense of gratefulness fills me and a security in knowing that God is good, His nature doesn't change like the ebb and flow of our emotions, like the shifting sands of our circumstances, He remains faithful, all powerful, all knowing and His love does endure forever.
Further reflections:
We spent two days this week at Australia Zoo, where we were again struck by the fragility of life, as we thought of the loss of Steve Irwin four years ago, he was a man of enthusiasm with an incredible zest for life. We were reminded of Psalm 103:15 "As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field, the wind blows over it and it is gone, its place remembers it no more, But from everlasting to everlasting the Lords love is with those who fear Him and his righteousness with their children's children."
So the call is to rejoice that God has given us the life of a flower, to flourish, bloom and be full in abundance of colour, happiness, joy and beauty. We have the chance to radiate to the world the creativity of God's creation and be able to stand firm and strong in the changes of lifes circumstances. We are called to be bright and be all that God has made us to be, for as long as He has given us, to use all our talents and gifts to glorify Him and to grow bigger and better, blooming fuller everyday. And then when our days, which are written in His book, are over, we get to go home and rejoice in the presence of the Lord forever.
May His grace be sufficient for you today.
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