Heading north towards Mildura we had a night at a free camp spot in a town called Hopetoun. We hit a locust plague getting there and had fun cleaning their slime off the van and car when we pulled up. We had just finished and a car from Mingenew, WA pulled up to camp. After chatting with them, we found they know the some Haeusler's in WA and it felt like a little piece of home in the middle of outback Victoria.
Hopetoun itself, reminded us to much of Three Springs, it was a town that has become smaller over the years, the school has shrunk and the shops have closed, but the community and its people are still hospitable and warm and friendly. We ended up staying two nights and met another travelling family which the kids enjoyed time with, while we chatted with the Pearce's from Mingenew/Geraldton.
I am a sucker for sunrises and so had to put a few shots up. If you get a chance, get up and see one wherever you are, they truly do show off the creativity of the Master artist and remind me that the new day is a new chance to begin again, whatever the day before has held, God's mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness.
God bless you and enjoy your day.
I love the new day a new chance phrase , looking forward to seeing you all again , Mick Mc Swiggan .
ReplyDeleteI'd enjoy sunrises a lot more if they didn't happen so early in the morning!!!!
ReplyDeleteFully agree that Sovereign Hill is a fantastic place, I took the kids on the footy trip there last year.