Crossing the Bridge - how interesting!
A monument to Capt Arthur Philip's landing on 12th Jan 1788
The Birch Beach Babe's!
The monorail
Yes, well we arrived in Sydney last Tuesday and it was great to cross through the epic Blue Mountains - we stand amazed at the determination and perseverance of those first explorers - Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth who forged their way through the tough underbrush that covers the mountains, to get to the other side. Their dedication paid off and they found the fine pasture land that became the beginning of Australia's sheep export industry, for which our country became known and on which we relied for many years.
We had a plan of lots to do here in Sydney and thought we would get up and get going, but unfortunately we had a day of rain and then, even worse, we all got the flu. Slowly, one by one, we fell foul of a temperature, sore head, bad cough and needed lots of sleep, even Darren and I went down - I guess in the van we all tend to be so sharing of everything, including germs!
We forced ourselves out to catch a train to the city and then catch the Monorail around Darling Harbour and train back. Before being sick, Darren went to the State of Origin Rugby game at Olympic Park - the venue was as impressive as the game I think he said! We did feel we could go for a drive and so headed over the Harbour Bridge down to Botany Bay, the site of the First Fleet's landing, no one really wanted have a look as they were cold and not that well! Then we went on to Bondi Beach, as you can see the Birch Babe's ready to go in the photo here! (ready to go back in the car I think!)
With Darren still down and out, I braved the Sydney traffic (not that it is too bad on a Sunday!) and took the kids to Hillsong Church. We had a great time and enjoyed the huge venue and the big worship and excellent teaching, so much so that we ventured back for the evening service as well.
We have been grateful for a lovely caravan park which is right on the edge of national park bushland and it is a quiet and scenic spot in the midst of a busy city, if one has to be sick, at least this has been the restful place to be able to quietly catch our breath and get well again.