This week has seen some super weather in Tasmania. We spent a day in Ross, which is in the centre, up the Midland Hwy and enjoyed the Wool Museum which was a tribute to the Wool Industry and particularly merino wool. It had great samples of super fine merino wool, 15 micron, and Dad greatly enjoyed signing the visitors book in the centre, agreeing in appreciation of this tribute to an industry that used to be the strength of our great country.
A minor history lesson - We did pass through Campbell Town again, where the paving bricks go up the street listing the name of every convict that came to Tasmania, there were 70,000 convicts that came to Tas, not the small number that I misquoted in my last post, sorry. There were 200,000 convicts transported to Australia overall.
From here we headed north west to St Helens on the coast and did some free camping at Dora Point. We parked in the bush close to the beach and the bay was beautiful clear water and lovely squeaky sand, the best beach we have seen so far. The kids swum for a few hours and had a great time - even though the water was cold - they don't seem to feel it.
Free camping is great but Tip #1, don't park under a tree, as the possums find it a perfect place to party - on the roof of our caravan - and then just jump back to the tree after they've thumped around for a while! And they are BIG possums too, not like those cute little ones we see down in Busselton!
The sunrises were magnificent over the ocean, the water was calm and still in the morning and the days were warm, which was perfect for being on the coast. Rocks have a red lichen tinge which is why the area was called Bay of Fires, I guess. We drove into St Columbia Falls, at 90m, the biggest in Tasmania I think. It was a nice walk in the rainforrest into the falls and an impressive view when we got there. On the way out we visited the Holy Cow Cafe, and watched the process of cheese being made, that was very interesting and, as Darren loves cheese, he enjoyed tasting the different cheeses, settling on a small block that was two years old - mmm, yummy. Apparently you don't keep it in the fridge, but have to eat it in three days or so, he had no trouble with that! The kids enjoyed the icecream that Papa bought for everyone!
Darren and I celebrated our 19th Anniversary this week, too, and conveniently, we got to go out to dinner because the grandparents were here to child mind (well planned wasn't it!) As I reflected on time gone by I recognized that time marches on, it keeps going regardless and I was challenged to make the most of every day, to live well, to live honestly and with integrity, to grow in character, to be content, to work in our strengths and develop our weaknesses, to consider every day is valuable. Ultimately we choose to work and serve a higher purpose, one that will follow into life after this life here has finished - reading in the last chapter of the book of Joshua this week, I noteced he stood up before the people and called to them - "Who will you serve, which of the idols before you do you want to give your life to? Well, whoever you choose, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSEHOLD WE WILL SERVE THE LORD."
This did make me think, what/who do we choose to serve? More stuff, things we want, our career, ourself... there is so much more to life than these things and what a privilege it is to serve the Lord in all we do.
Towards the end of the week we headed back to Deloraine to a fantastic caravan park on the river bank. We took a drive to see the local farming areas and the Axemans Hall of fame, which was really interesting, showing how many world champion axemen come from this area. Also went to see the Spirit of Tasmania dock in the evening. Dad and Mum loved this as it really is an impressive vehicle and they offloaded five semi trailors and multiple trucks, as well as many cars, etc.
See next post for more photos
It has been a great week, and we look forward to making to most of next and last two weeks here in Tasmania.